The API Argument: REST vs. GraphQL

What factors should you consider in choosing between REST and GraphQL for your API? What are the strengths and potential pitfalls of each approach? How can you determine what is the best fit for your needs? The world of API interfaces is becoming increasingly complex, with REST and GraphQL emerging as two of the most popular approaches. However, the choice between these two is not always clear, leading to significant debates among developers.

According to authoritative sources like the IBM Developer blog and the Microsoft Azure blog, the problem lies in the key differences between REST and GraphQL. REST is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used when creating web services, while GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. The challenge arises in determining which of these two methods best suits a specific project or application. Both offer unique benefits and have potential drawbacks, complicating the task of choosing between them.

In this article, you will learn about the finer aspects of both REST and GraphQL. Beginning with a detailed background of both methodologies, we will delve into the technical details, comparing their functionalities, performance, and adaptability. We will provide examples and case studies to illustrate how both methods have been utilized in different applications.

Finally, you will discover how to make an informed decision between REST and GraphQL for your project. Drawing upon expert opinions, current trends, and a deep understanding of both methods, we aim to equip you with all the knowledge you need to make a confident choice.

Understanding the Basic Definitions: REST and GraphQL APIs

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a set of rules or guidelines that developers follow when creating an API (Application Programming Interface). This API allows different pieces of software to communicate with each other, enabling them to exchange data and functionality. REST uses conventional HTTP methods like GET, POST, and PUT to perform operations.

GraphQL is another type of API designed by Facebook. Unlike REST, which has multiple endpoints returning fixed data structures, GraphQL has a single endpoint, which returns flexible data structures. This means GraphQL can retrieve more specific data, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred, which can help to improve application performance.

Untangling the Web of Arguments: Why Pitting REST against GraphQL Isn’t as Simple as It Seems

A Brief History of REST

Representational State Transfer (REST) has been the traditional go-to architecture for web services. Introduced in 2000 by Roy Fielding, REST proposes a set of architectural constraints through which data can be transferred over a network, ensuring platforms can communicate seamlessly. It made the building of APIs more straightforward and set the scene for the birth of web giants like Twitter, Facebook, and eBay that efficiently leverage REST APIs.

REST operates on a simple logic: Individual URLs are treated as resources and by performing different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) on these URLs, users can create, read, update, or delete the data related to each resource. This methodology is simple to understand and use, proving effective for a long time.

The Emergence of GraphQL

In recent times, however, there’s been a noticeable shift towards GraphQL. Created by Facebook in 2015 to overcome issues faced by their mobile developers, GraphQL instantly captured the attention of developers with its flexibility and efficiency. Unlike REST, it’s not an architecture but a query language that provides an efficient alternative to REST. It provides clients the power to request exactly what they need, addressing many of the challenges that were commonplace with REST APIs.

One of the principal advantages of GraphQL is the elimination of over-fetching and under-fetching, two significant issues with REST. Over-fetching describes instances where the client downloads more information than is necessary, while under-fetching happens when REST APIs return insufficient data, prompting the need for additional requests. GraphQL’s ability to request and receive specific data reduces bandwidth usage and improves the efficiency of an application.

  • GraphQL operates on a single endpoint, unlike numerous URLs in REST.
  • Clients have the flexibility to define their data structure with GraphQL, which isn’t possible with REST.
  • GraphQL consolidates data from various sources, providing a more efficient data retrieval process than REST.

We live in a world where information retrieval needs to be quick, scalable, and efficient. The introduction of GraphQL helps fulfill these needs by providing more control to the client, reducing unnecessary data transfers, and offering real-time data with subscriptions. However, despite the growing inclination towards GraphQL, REST continues to hold a firm footing. Its simplicity, maturity, and stable integration with HTTP makes it indispensable for certain use cases. Consequently, rather than seeing the GraphQL vs. REST battle as a competition, acknowledging the unique abilities of both and applying them appropriately depending on the use case would be a more beneficial approach.

Dismantling Preconceptions: Shattering the Illusions of GraphQL and REST Supremacy

The Underlying Superiority of GraphQL

Isn’t it fascinating how the realm of APIs has evolved over the years? From XML-RPC to SOAP to REST, each technological shift has opened up a wealth of possibilities for web development, leading us to a new, exciting contender: GraphQL. As a potent alternative to REST APIs, GraphQL offers several unique advantages that set it apart.

Firstly, GraphQL optimizes data transfer by allowing clients to specify exactly what data is required. This eliminates the need for over-fetching or under-fetching, common issues that often plague the use of REST APIs. GraphQL’s philosophy of asking for what you need, and getting exactly that, appeals to developers, as it brings about efficiency and precision. Additionally, its seamless handling of data updates and real-time capabilities cater to the increasing demand for dynamic and interactive user experiences.

Stepping Over REST APIs Hurdle

However, as promising as GraphQL may appear, it’s success largely depends on overcoming key problems confronting REST APIs. On the surface level, REST seems to be the simpler option, with its classic architecture and widespread knowledge base. Its highly cacheable APIs seem to offer a waft of comfort for developers. But therein lies the issue. REST APIs are prone to complications when handling complex UI, not to mention the difficulty in fetching nested data. It requires multiple round trips to the server to get related resources, making it challenging to build more intricate user interfaces, especially on mobile devices with limited bandwidth.

In stark contrast, GraphQL allows fetching of related resources in a single request, averts problems of over or under-fetching, and aligns perfectly with the need for more dynamic user interfaces. Recognizing the gaps that REST APIs sometimes fail to bridge brings us one step closer to acknowledging the potential of GraphQL and its impending revolution.

Exemplifying GraphQL’s Excellence

Several prominent global companies have already reaped the benefits of adopting GraphQL. Facebook, the creator of GraphQL, has highly dynamic and interactive UI requirements. It uses GraphQL to handle massive amounts of data, optimize network usage, and provide real-time updates. Similarly, Github transitioned from older REST APIs to GraphQL, citing benefits like giving consumers the power to decide what data they want and reducing the bytes sent over the network.

Moreover, Shopify uses GraphQL to manage a myriad of storefronts while ensuring a uniform interface, contributing to an improved overall user experience. These best practices highlight the significant advantage of GraphQL over REST APIs and serve as a beacon for companies seeking to take their API implementations to the next level. The progressive shift towards GraphQL seems to be more than just a fleeting trend, it presents a potent threat to the reign of REST APIs in the world of web development.

The Contentious Duel: Real-world Scenarios Highlighting the Practical Advantages and Disadvantages of REST and GraphQL APIs

A Deeper Dive Into The Controversy

What distinguishes REST from GraphQL, indeed, which makes them such potent rivals? Both REST and GraphQL are unique in their own ways and while they have a few similarities, there are fundamental differences between them that have polarized the API world. REST was principally designed in 2000 as a guiding framework for building HTTP services. Its basic premise lies in addressing resources over HTTP to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Application developers can use HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to perform these operations using REST. On the other hand, GraphQL, despite being newer to the scene (released 2015), is considered more powerful than REST for certain use cases. Facebook conceived it as a query language to allow front-end developers to request their desired data structure that can be filled by the server, thus saving bandwidth by preventing over fetching or under fetching of data.

The Crux of the Issue

The primary issue that arises in the REST vs GraphQL debate lies in their operational approach. REST API consumes more bandwidth as it transfers a fixed data structure for every request while GraphQL only sends the required data structure, reducing the size of the transferred data. This can lead to excessive data transfer on RESTful APIs, especially for mobile users who typically have lower bandwidth and pay by usage. However, GraphQL too has its downsides. It may seem like a one-fit-all solution, but it requires more CPU resources to parse, validate, and execute the incoming query. A server with insufficient resources may get overwhelmed by complex queries from GraphQL. Additionally, caching on GraphQL can be complex due to the dependency on HTTP headers and the inability to handle different data requirements of multiple components through over-fetching or under-fetching.

Practical Illustrations

To get a clearer understanding, let’s take the examples of GitHub and Shopify. GitHub, a platform with a comprehensive set of integrations, chose GraphQL over REST to enhance the performance of its API. They were struggling with handling such a vast amount of data and GraphQL provided them a way to remove excess data. Conversely, Shopify, an e-commerce platform with millions of customers, preferred REST over GraphQL due to its simplicity, reducing the need for pre-defined and pre-compiled backend logic. The choice between REST and GraphQL should hence be dependent on the specific requirements of your application. If you require flexible and efficient data retrieval with minimal data over-fetching, GraphQL can be the right choice. However, if your server resources are limited and simplicity is your go-to, REST can be your better option. It’s not so much a battle as it is an informed choice based on individual application needs and limitations.


Late at night, engrossed in coding, have you ever stopped to wonder about the potential, unforeseen consequences of sticking to an old, comfortable method instead of embracing the possibly more efficient and faster technology? Can the bias towards a method or technology come at the expense of productivity and efficiency of a system?

These reflections are not trivial but crucial in our ever-evolving tech world. By discussing the ongoing debate between REST and GraphQL, our goal is to provoke thoughtful discussions that lead to insights and informed choices. It’s important to critically evaluate the tools we use, understand our options, and update our knowledge.

We hope that our blog brings a new perspective and helps in your journey as a developer or tech enthusiast. We have a series of exciting releases lined up in the coming weeks, so follow our blog to stay up-to-date with the latest updates. Our discussions are centered on the myriad of topics that are shaping up the technology space. Who knows, the answers you’ve been looking for might be in our upcoming posts. Let’s keep this conversation going; we would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Stay tuned for our next release!


1. What is the difference between REST and GraphQL APIs?

REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs follow a standard architecture style using HTTP methods. Meanwhile, GraphQL is a data query language that offers a more efficient data integration approach, allowing clients to define the structure of responses themselves.

2. What are the main advantages of using GraphQL over REST?

GraphQL excels in scenarios where the application requires complex, nested data. It allows clients to retrieve many resources in a single request, eliminating over-fetching or under-fetching issues common in REST APIs.

3. Could there be any potential drawbacks to using GraphQL?

While GraphQL has many advantages, it also has its downsides. Its complexity can be overwhelming for beginners and it involves a higher learning curve than REST. Additionally, it’s not as cache-friendly as REST.

4. Where are REST APIs most commonly used and why?

REST APIs are commonly used in web services due to their simplicity and adherence to HTTP protocols. They can be used with any language that supports HTTP and do not require additional libraries or tools to operate, making them widely compatible.

5. Does adopting GraphQL imply abandoning REST?

Not necessarily. Many organizations use a mix of both GraphQL and REST depending on their specific requirements. In some cases, GraphQL is used as a supplementary layer over REST APIs to optimize data retrieval.